The fruit contains a good amount of fiber which slows down the digestion process and reduces the absorption of glucose in the body, thus preventing sugar levels from rising. But when they are taken in the form of juice, their fiber content is reduced, due to which many times they are not considered suitable for diabetes. But there are many fruits whose juice is considered magical for type 2 diabetes.

Amla Juice

Amla juice is considered a great juice for diabetes. Amla is a good source of Vitamin C and is rich in antioxidants. Amla juice has immunity-boosting properties and is also beneficial in reducing your sugar level. It is a rich source of chromium, a mineral that regulates carbohydrate metabolism and helps prevent spikes in sugar levels. Amla juice also reduces the risk of heart diseases and aids in digestion. It improves liver and kidney health.

Bitter Gourd Juice

Bitter Gourd Juice

Bitter gourd juice is the best juice for sugar patients as it helps in reducing the sugar level to a great extent.
Bitter gourd juice contains polypeptide-P which acts similar to insulin and helps in reducing the sugar level. It also contains charantin and vicine, compounds that have been shown to have blood glucose-lowering effects. It boosts your immunity, prevents infections, slows down aging and lowers the level of LDL (low-density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol) in your body. It also benefits the health of your eyes and helps in weight loss.

Coconut Water

Coconut water is also a good source of calcium, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.
Coconut water can lower your HbA1c (glycated hemoglobin) levels. Coconut also helps in reducing the complications of diabetes such as nerve damage or heart diseases. It balances electrolytes in the body and helps lower your blood pressure.

Fenugreek juice

Fenugreek seeds may be helpful for people with diabetes. The seeds contain fiber and other chemicals that may slow digestion and the body's absorption of carbohydrates and sugar. The seeds may also help improve how the body uses sugar and increases the amount of insulin released.

Ashgourd juice

Ash gourd juice is low in calories and carbohydrates with no fat content. It might be a great choice for patients with diabetes due to this nutrient profile. The pulp of the fruit might have anti-diabetic properties contributed by various nutrients.The phyto chemical presence in ash gourd which includes carbohydrates, tannins, phenols, glycosides, alkaloids, and flavonoids. Flavonoids stimulate lipogenesis and glucose transport in the adipocytes. Hence it lowers the blood sugar level.

Curry leaf juice

Curry leaf juice contains phytochemicals that help reduce blood sugar levels by mimicking the action of insulin. These compounds can help lower blood glucose levels, making them a potential remedy for people with type 2 diabetes.Curry leaves are known to naturally boost insulin activity, an important action to control high blood sugar levels.

Avarampoo Tea

Drinking Avarampoo tea regularly helps regulate blood sugar levels. It boosts insulin production in the body naturally.It naturally raises insulin levels in the body.

Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon tea may help lower blood sugar and fight diabetes by imitating the effects of insulin and increasing the movement of sugar from the bloodstream into cells . It can also help lower blood sugar levels by increasing insulin sensitivity, making insulin more efficient at moving sugar into cells.

